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Do you find that limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, or self-doubt interfere with your focus, confidence and courage to take the risks that your business requires?

Are you searching for a way to identify, process and unlock your performance blocks and other limiting patterns of behavior?

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Ready for greater synergy, innovation, and collaborative performance? Set up a Free Discovery Call

Brainspotting is a powerful, advanced technique that can help you let go of behaviors that are adversely affecting your business potential and expand desired capacities and states.

Adding brainspotting or paradigm coaching for individual partners, in addition to the partnership coaching work, results in greater progress toward individual leadership, partnership, and business goals.

What Is Brainspotting?

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Brainspotting is a fast-growing brain/body, focused mindfulness-based method that is incredibly effective for boosting performance and known for effective results.

Using the link between your eye position and unconscious emotional experiences, Brainspotting allows us to amplify talents and desired mental or emotional states and to identify and release specific emotional blocks that may be holding you back. It helps by neurologically opening up what keeps each person stuck, going beyond conscious process alone.

If you’d like to learn more about Brainspotting, I have that for you here.

There is also a fantastic book about the use of Brainspotting for performance improvement called, "Your Brain on Sports: Beating Blocks, Slumps, and Performance Anxiety for Good!"

Why Choose Brainspotting?

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Business professionals, athletes and artists have all used brainspotting to enhance performance, and overcome blocks and performance anxiety to reach new levels of potential.

Use Brainspotting to get to the root of subconscious memories, beliefs, and behaviors that impair your highest functioning.

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Brainspotting can help with:

  • Moving past self-doubts that interfere with taking appropriate risk
  • Increasing your sense of calm and confidence
  • Amplifying creativity and problem-solving capacity
  • Accessing higher capacities for creativity, focus, and flow
  • Enhancing your creativity and assisting your problem- solving skills
  • Reducing stress and anxiety in your personal life
  • Improving your overall wellbeing

Who is Brainspotting For?

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For entrepreneurs and business owners and other professionals who are seeking to improve and expand focus, productivity, creativity, and other positive emotional, mental, or even spiritual states, brainspotting therapy can be a great asset. It is a powerful resource for accessing higher capabilities.